Applied Learning Environments at Beekmantown High School's Earth and Environmental Science


Current Weather Conditions at the Beekmantown High School Weather Station


The Beekmantown High School Weather Station operates the Davis Pro 2 Weather Station on the roof of the Beekmantown CSD Main Building school.  The weather station has been in continuous operation since March, 1999 and is maintained by Mr. Scott Danville, AP Environmental science and Regents Earth Science teacher at Beekmantown High School 

The weather station is connected to a secure weather data server that is maintained and used by students, the school community, and the data is shared with The Weather Channel's Wunderground Site Weather Underground (Beekmantown WxStation KNYPlatt45) and Personal Weather Station's website (KNYPLATT4)

Mr. Danville's students' film full-length documentary now available on Amazon Prime


Click here to view on AMAZON.COM 

Teacher-filmmaker, Mr. Scott Danville, with his class of uniquely talented and energized students create a film, Halting Hades: The Moral Imperative, documenting the world's most important issue and the factors that will lead to a revolution through the intersection of science, economics, and politics.  Halting Hades: The Moral Imperative developed as an idea that involving students in the process of documenting the current state of climate change from a science, economic, and political perspective embraces students' natural curiosity to know their subject.  The utility of knowing the science is critical when interviewing high-profile figures. The film is available on Amazon Prime and Vimeo.  Film website is